Risk-taking entrepreneurs

will become a major element of this covid wave and essential to ending the covid crisis, powering & building a post-COVID-19 world.

Entrepreneurs spend their lives anticipating and creating the future.

Napoleon is often quoted as deriding Britain as a nation of shopkeepers but it was actually Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac, (I don’t even know how to pronounce that) although he was unsurprisingly a French revolutionary, who first used the phrase in 1794.

In typical British fashion we often cite the quote as a point of pride. From the foundation of Selfridges to the UK leading the present-day charge in online commerce, we as a nation have always spearheaded innovation in retail including in recent years e-commerce which has been accelerated by almost a decade due to this now life changing pandemic.

COVID-19 is changing how we all behave across every aspect of our lives. As folk fled & sheltered at home, adoption of new digital services exploded, exemplified by the Zoom-Boom, it all took place at a blistering pace. In addition to growing health and hygiene concerns, economic recession, and the related decline in offline consumption, the scope of the change to people’s lives is staggering.

Every business bar none must rethink how and where they connect with patrons. They should expect to encounter massive structural challenges and upheaval across multiple commerce dimensions.

Overall consumption is shrinking, the shopping basket is undergoing a significant change in mix, and consumers are changing the ways they get their information. The internet as come of age… at light speed

There will be a lot of job losses that much is clear, we can all see that coming; however, lets remain optimistic this could be the golden moment to embark on a wonderful exciting opportunity.

Perhaps the job to have is the one you make for yourself, if you’re of that mind of that persuasion, if you’re a budding entrepreneur you will need your “Guardian Angels” by your side we have so many ways to help along that incredible exciting roller coaster journey. Five Characteristics That Make An Entrepreneur, get those in place before you make a move & you will already be ahead of the game.

In the words of Sir Richard Branson ..Screw it, let’s Just Do It.
In my own words. Life isn’t a rehearsal, Screw it, let’s Just Do It.

Stay well stay safe

Team Guardian Angel

0161 976 2450

m: 07894 0797 48

e: info@gapcsupport.co.uk


web: www.gapcsupport.co.uk

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