Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common online threats.

Guardian Angel PC Support offers a bespoke Cyber Essentials consultancy service:

  • We offer on-site training, and bespoke training materials
  • Our services are tailored to your organisation’s needs, and to the scope of your IT requirements
  • GAPC technical support is available to all Cyber Essentials clients

What is Cyber Essentials?

The Cyber Essentials certification scheme is a government-backed scheme to help organisations face the challenges posed by common online security threats. The UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy is intended to make the UK a safer place to do business. Cyber Essentials is a cyber security standard that uses independent assessment to identify critical IT security controls that organisations need.

Having Cyber Essentials certification means that you and your clients can be confident that your organisation is addressing cyber security effectively, and mitigating the risk from internet-borne threats.

In 2018, the UK Government published the results of their Cyber Security Breaches survey, which stated that of the 56% of UK Businesses that store personal data digitally; 47% reported that they had incidents of compromised cyber security within the previous year.

The scheme provides organisations with clear guidance on IT infrastructure and security protocols, as well as offering independent certification. Certification demonstrates to your customers that their data is protected, and that you take cyber security risk management seriously.

Why Choose Guardian Angel PC Support for Cyber Essentials?

Guardian Angel PC Support’s Cyber Essentials Consultancy service can help your business become Cyber Essentials certified.

Whatever your level of technical knowledge, we can help you manage the entire certification process. We can ensure your business’s infrastructure is up to certification standard and guide you through the self-assessment process, as well as help manage certification inspections, compliance maintenance and re-certification.

Guardian Angel PC Support is a Cyber Essentials Consultancy, certified by GCHQ-approved Accreditation Body, APMG. Cyber Essentials Consultant certification is granted following successful completion of training and APMG-International examination based on the GCHQ Certified Training course. Demonstrate your cyber security to clients with Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certification

Which Businesses And Organisations Need Cyber Essentials Certification?

Many businesses and organisations hold personal data about clients, employees, volunteers and other associated persons. UK regulations concerning security of personal and sensitive data state that all organisations that process or store such data must take reasonable steps to keep that information secure (General Data Protection Regulations, 2018; Data Protection Act, 2018). Your information security protocols must include both organisational and technical measures appropriate to secure and control access to any personal data your organisation stores.  Cyber Essentials certification is an industry-supported standard intended to help your organisation address cyber security effectively.

Any organisation that uses internet-connected devices must take precautionary measures to secure such devices.  Technology that is vulnerable to common cyber-attacks includes:

Internet-connected devices such as

  • Desktop PCs
  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • Printers

‘IOT’ (Internet of Things) or ‘Smart’ devices like

  • Smart Meters
  • Wi-Fi enabled plug sockets
  • Refrigerators

Internet-connected servers including

  • Email
  • Web / website
  • Applications